Daughter. Wife. Mom.

Foodie. Explorer. Nature enthusiast.

I love to eat and I love to cook. I’ve often said food is my “Love Language”. I find the different cuisines of the world fascinating and will often not rest till I’ve perfected a dish that has taken my interest.

Where I Have Lived

Sri Lanka

Born and raised here. Much of my love and experience of food comes from Sri Lankan food. it will always be my first love.


Three years living here. Singapore has a very diverse food culture which they pride themselves in .


Four years living here. Thailand has a rich heritage of food culture that MUST be experienced first hand. although simple, many are unable to reproduce its flavors as it involves a delicate palate to balance the different flavors.


10 years and counting. Philippines is my current home and where much of my culinary journey has taken place. To enjoy Filipino cuisine, one must journey outside the big city and travel to the beautiful countryside where the freshness of air and ingredients will enhance your food experience.

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